Mary'S Blogs


Fighting for Justice has always come at a price

Fighting for Justice has always come at a price

🔶Fighting for justice has always come at a price. Cyberattacks, threats, malicious identity theft, suspicious break-in attempts, and psychopathic defamatory letters are just a few examples of the repercussions I have had to endure since publishing my book in 2021....

Book launch ‘My Father’: 28th May 2023!

Book launch ‘My Father’: 28th May 2023!

Book tour of 'My Father' coupled to a number of conferences Book launch: 28th May 2023 My first book Cruelly betrayed was written within weeks and published in March 2021. I did not get to have the fun side of launching a new book. Not only due to the Covid-19...

Relais pour la vie 2023

Relais pour la vie 2023

I had a wonderful time at Relais pour la Vie - Luxembourg with my 2 teams from SCRIPT and Jonk & Kriibs all through the night It was my first time experiencing this event in live action at D'Coque - Centre National Sportif et Culturel. So very important to draw...

L’Essentiel – Polémique

L’Essentiel – Polémique

LUXEMBOURG - Le Film Fund a dû suspendre les subventions du nouveau film d’Adolf El Assal. Il a fait tourner son père, condamné pour abus sexuels.      

Le film qui fait ressurgir un drame familial

Le film qui fait ressurgir un drame familial

Le Film Fund a suspendu son soutien financier au nouveau film du Luxembourgeois Adolf El Assal. Son père a joué un rôle dans un autre film du réalisateur – également financé avec de l’argent public. Le père a fait de la prison pour abus sexuel. Photo: Mike...

New Book Release 2023

New Book Release 2023

The writing is surprisingly flowing, which only means one thing: it was about time (again)!
New book release planned for the first half of 2023!✍🏻📚❤️

Mark my words ;-)

Mark my words 😉

A kind reminder to all the shitty people out there who sexually, physically and/or psychologically abuse their victim(s). According to my latest evidence-based research, I am pleased to conclude that by creating a victim, you are basically feeding into his or her...



It’s been 18 months since publishing my (first) book and the chronic backlash from my ‘family’ has been substantial. What makes me write this post, however, is the latest obnoxious lawyer’s letter from the abuser himself, who is very very eager to cash in on my dead...

‘It is just hair’

‘It is just hair’

Thank you Alicia for being there during and after chemotherapy People told me ‘it’s just hair, it will grow back…’ Well, it isn’t just hair, I can confirm that….food for thought for future interactions with cancer patients #cancer #chemotherapy #chemosucks #chemocurls...

Dear Nora

Dear Nora

Dear Nora, Today, I received the news of your death. Strangely, it coincided with the same day I received the sweetest news that I am allowed to live on… I knew this day was approaching, rather sooner than later, while we were both fighting cancer, only you were not...

not all disabilities are visible

not all disabilities are visible

Isn’t society funny and so very paradoxical? While going through any hardship (aka life’s panoply of shits), society wants you to be ‘positive’, smile more, complain less…..but please not too positive. Allow me to elaborate. Not all disabilities are visible to the...

C MY NEW ME – Témoignage

C MY NEW ME – Témoignage

RDV avec Mary (Luxembourg). Atteinte d’un cancer rare en pleine pandémie, elle a écrit un livre et est très active pour parler du cancer et des causes qui la touchent.

Happy First Birthday to me!

Happy First Birthday to me!

Thanks very much for all the love coming my way today I am euphoric to have added one more year to my life, to many many more I have never particularly enjoyed my birthdays until the latest realisation that ‘growing old and grey’ was not a given anymore 2 years ago!...

Podcast ‘Humains’

Podcast ‘Humains’

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Notre invité de la semaine est le docteur Mary Faltz, personnalité rayonnante au destin qui aurait pourtant pu, en ces revirements d'un rare tragique, briser définitivement l'individu désormais plein de gratitude que j'ai eu l'occasion...

Nice to meet you, Pippi!

Nice to meet you, Pippi!

Mäi WORT interview gouf lo no 5 Deeg erofgeholl Mission ass awer méi wéi accomplished!! Iwert 18000 views an 50 shares an där kuerzer Zäit! En plus ass de Video nach aktiv op Instagram Wann ech mam Video interview juste 1 Persoun ereecht hun, war et mir derwert fir...

WORT Video-Interview 7.12.2021

WORT Video-Interview 7.12.2021

D’WORT huet mech am Dezember agelueden fir e Video Interview ze machen. Daat war 5 Deeg nom RTL KLOERTEXT. Et kascht mech emmer rem immens vill Courage fir mech frieme Leit géigeniwer ze öffnen, zumols well et em d’Intimitéit geet déi jorelang mëssbraucht gouf....

Conférence – Libramont 28 avril 2022

Conférence – Libramont 28 avril 2022

Soirée très émouvante hier soir à Libramont, un grand merci au Zonta Club Saint-Hubert Redouté pour l’organisation et à Olivia Hody pour sa contribution. La beauté du Luxembourg avec son éducation plurilingue qui me permet de faire ce travail crucial au-delà des...

Themenowend am Trifolion – 25/04/22

Themenowend am Trifolion – 25/04/22

Grousse Respekt fir déi 4 jonk Schülerinnen vun WSafety2022 aus dem Lycée classique d'Echternach fir d’Initiative an d’Organisatioun vum Themenowend gëschter am Trifolion Echternach. Eng ganz interessant Ronn mam Me Noémie Sadler, Mme Caroline Martiny an Dr Roland...

Public speaking

Public speaking

Thoroughly enjoyed this 8 hour public speaking course with Dirk Daenen at CNFPC, definitely worth the price tag! I am convinced that public speaking must become an integral part of elementary school curriculum!! It is not a nice to have but an absolute must have from...

Merci Patrick!

Merci Patrick!

The beauty of social media is that even after 13 years, I am still able to find people who played a huge game changing role in my life’s turbulent path. Virun 13 Joer war ech um Commissariat zu Péiteng, um déifste Punkt vun enger 16 Jähreger Emprise déi een sech guer...

Relais pour la vie 2022

Relais pour la vie 2022

Thank you Michele Fox for creating this wonderful initiative Jonk & Kriibs through which I got to know many other cancer survivors my age! To everyone out there still going through this cancer hell, I wish lots of courage, better days will come

Keynote speech at the European Investment Bank

Keynote speech at the European Investment Bank

Thanks to the European Investment Bank VP Lilyana Pavlova, Una Clifford and Reneta Dimitrova for the warm welcome and the kind invitation to be the keynote speaker in yesterday’s event. Congratulations to all the nominated men and women who go above and beyond...



We all carry labels. Some are light, others are heavy. Society will treat us accordingly if we allow it. All my life, I have viewed these negative labels that were given to me against my will as society did - as weakness or failure. Today, I regard these labels as...

Groupe de parole (Facebook)

Groupe de parole (Facebook)

Ce groupe privé est strictement destiné à toute personne, de sexe masculin ou féminin, qui a survécu à l’abus sexuel durant l’enfance et/ou jeunesse. Vous pouvez parler ouvertement, de façon anonyme ou simplement être spectateur sans contribution tout en étant à...

“Why did you not say something earlier?”

“Why did you not say something earlier?”

The main question that many sexual abuse victims get asked is: *Why did you not say something earlier?* Let me try and answer that question with a picture that many may be familiar with. Firstly, to make victims understand why they waited so long to speak about what...

Table ronde am Lycée Nic Biever

Table ronde am Lycée Nic Biever

Merci dem Schülercomité vum Lycée Nic-Biever - LNB Dudelange fir d’Initiative fir iwert sou e wichtegt Thema ze schwätzen! Et war eng immens interessant Ronn an et war secherlech net déi läschte Kéier!Merci och dem Ana Pinto, Charel Schmit (Ombudsman fir Kanner an...

ARA City Radio interview

ARA City Radio interview

Dr Mary Faltz was sexually abused by her father. Many years, four children and one cancer diagnosis later, she decided to speak up about her experience and wrote a book about her life. Dr. Mary Faltz was our guest on “Local Matters”, in the interview, she talked about...

More empathy and less sympathy

More empathy and less sympathy

More empathy and less sympathy is the way forward A reminder of the difference between the 2, beautifully drawn by Jocelyne Kohnen for my TEDx talk. In other words: ‘Kindness is loaning someone your strength, instead of reminding them of their weakness’ (author...

I really had a wonderful year…

I really had a wonderful year…

I really had a wonderful year why? …not because I published a successful accidental impactful book …not because I bought a beautiful new house …not because I landed my dream job …not because I gave a powerful TEDx talk …not because I am finally speaking up and...

Lëtzebuerger Journal – Podcast ‘Waat leeft?’

Lëtzebuerger Journal – Podcast ‘Waat leeft?’

Zum Thema Kannermëssbrauch schwätzt d'Jana Degrott am neien Episod vum Podcast "Wat leeft?" mam Mary Faltz, dat 16 Joer laang Abus erlieft huet. D'Barbara Gorges-Wagner vum KJT (Kanner-Jugendtelefon) an d'Noémie Losch vun ECPAT Luxembourg erklären donieft, wéi...

Interview – L’Essentiel

Interview – L’Essentiel

Mary n'avait que 9 ans quand son père est entré pour la première fois dans sa chambre en pleine nuit. Elle milite aujourd'hui pour lever le tabou.

Table ronde – ARCA Bertrange

Table ronde – ARCA Bertrange

Présentation du livre et table ronde concernant les sujets évoqués sous la direction de Dr Mary Faltz et Dr Roland Seligmann (ALUPSE)

Taboo Podcast – Episode 12

Taboo Podcast – Episode 12

TRIGGERWARNUNG- MËSSBRAUCH & SUIZID D'Mary ass klinesch Wëssenschaftlerin a Pharmazeutin. Mat 38 Joer erzielt hatt, wéi säi Liewen vu Mëssbrauch, Bedruch an dem Versoen vum eegene Kierper beaflosst gouf. Buchvirstellung an Diskussiounsronn den 25.11.2021 zu...

Interview – Janette Magazine

Interview – Janette Magazine

Ecrit en huit semaines pendant sa chimiothérapie, 'Trahie dans sa chair' est une ode à la vie, une leçon de courage et de bonheur face au parcours de vie semé d'embûches de Mary Faltz. Rencontre avec l'auteure, qui vit au Luxembourg avec ses quatre enfants.

Luxemburger WORT

Luxemburger WORT

Mary Faltz ist eine erfolgreiche Frau und Mutter von 5 Kindern - Sie schreibt in ihrem Buch über die Hölle auf Erden

Same same but different – 20 Questions

Same same but different – 20 Questions

What an honor to welcome this week's guest. She is a true fighter; a true survivor and a total inspiration. She is: Mary Faltz. Mary has recently published a book entitled Cruelly Betrayed which talks about her tumultuous life: Mary put her father in prison after 16...

Same same but different – episode 17

Same same but different – episode 17

Mary Faltz put her own father to prison after 16 painful years of being sexually abused by him. As if that was not enough, Mary is currently undergoing cancer treatment. One of the many things I admire about Mary is that no matter what life throws at her, she is still...

There are no winners or losers in cancer

There are no winners or losers in cancer

There are no losers or winners when it comes to cancer.   With a diagnosis, you get catapulted from one day to the other without warning into this unknown horrible fearful parallel world of cancer.   It is a world filled with intense fear, anxiety, anger, hope,...

A love letter to my body

A love letter to my body

Dear Body of Mine, I feel the need to write a love letter to you today as I am filled with absolute pride, respect, admiration and gratitude towards you. Contrary to what my book cover is stating, I do not feel betrayed by you anymore. I have grown up hating you from...

PAPERJAM Interview

PAPERJAM Interview

Mary Faltz est une survivante. A seulement 37 ans, elle a vécu autant d'épreuves qu'une personne de 80 ans. Pourtant, elle reste irrémédiablement positive et souriante.

UK Health Radio Interview

UK Health Radio Interview

The Therapy Suite on UK Health RadioThis week, I talk to clinical research scientist and pharmacist Dr. Mary Faltz. We talk about her experience with cancer, childhood sexual abuse and her new book 'Cruelly betrayed'. 

High Profile Magazine: The Women’s Edition

High Profile Magazine: The Women’s Edition

Dr. Mary Faltz is a clinical research scientist. She is also an 'accidental author', having written "Cruelly Betrayed", a book about her experiences of childhood abuse, whilst going through chemotherapy. She hopes that sharing her story will help give voice to the...

Powerhouse Global Magazine

Powerhouse Global Magazine

Read Mary's Interview with Lady Anita, in the Powerhouse Global Magazine:

My Book Cover

My Book Cover

Very happy to share the book cover of my book CRUELLY BETRAYED, publication is imminent Please help me reach a wide audience by sharing my page and thereby raising awareness of childhood sexual abuse while empowering people who find themselves facing life adversities...

An Accidental Book Author

An Accidental Book Author

I am what you’d call an accidental book author, I never meant to write a book but I somehow did in the middle of a heavy storm...If I had to briefly describe myself : I am a single mother of 4, a clinical researcher, a pharmacist and a long term child sexual abuse...
