
What People are saying

“Only a truly courageous person pulls back the curtain to expose their life to the world. That is what Mary has done here. The details of her life are harrowing. From the evil abuse at the hands of an alleged human being called Dad to the adulterous husband to cancer. By the time I finished this book, my hands were shaking. It is a powerful tale of the human spirit.

That Mary is alive to write this book and can put forward a positive attitude, should give hope to everyone. Cruelly Betrayed will be doubly valuable. First, it was doubtlessly cathartic for Mary to write it. Second, this book is for everyone going through tough times. You will hopefully see that if Mary can come through the challenges with a smile, then why are you frowning now?

Well written and balanced, this book is technically sound. That the author put it together while battling cancer is remarkable. Probably one of the most important books that helps define the power of humanity. You can go through this fire and come out a phoenix.

As a reader, I was enraged at her abuser and his enablers. They may all still be sitting in smug self-satisfaction, but their time is going to come. There is an almighty judge who will be evoking some Old Testament judgment upon all of them. Their eternity isn’t going to be sunshine and daisies.

An important book that could inspire an abused person to find the courage to speak out. Again, you can’t help but feel better about your own life once you read Mary saying she has no hard feelings anymore. If she doesn’t carry a grudge, why does anyone else?

My Rating: 5 stars”

NN light

“As a childhood sexual abuse survivor myself, Mary’s journey strongly resonated with me. I am convinced that this book will reach the heart of many of us. We need to be seen and heard as we have been silenced by fear. Mary is not only giving a voice to her story, but she is also giving a voice to all of us who have been victims for too long. The courage and strength depicted in this book will give hope to many people that life can get better and that they are not defined by what happened to them.”

Cali Poulain

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ A quote, I am sure, many of you have heard, read or being told to when faced with adversity in life. I personally think that life is not that easy, certainly some days more than others. It pushes us and everyone around us to grow daily while respecting and accepting all its complexity and unpredictability.

This book is a testimony to life and the fight for it. A book, which is written with an open heart that almost leaves nothing left unsaid. As a mother, Mary’s story particularly moved and inspired me as I know too well how much my children need me and what I will do and endure in order to make sure I am there for them for as long as I possibly can. However, do not be mistaken. This book is not only for mothers, but also for fighters, believers, disrupters and dreamers. A book that encourages to question the lemons, life so often generously hands out to each and everyone of us, a book that inspires to go the extra mile, a book that fosters a sense of community and belonging in uncertain times.”

Dame Tessy Antony de Nassau

Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Mother

A powerful, captivating testimony of human resilience in the face of multiple life traumas.

Jane McLelland

Award-winning, Bestselling author of How To Starve Cancer and a Stage IV cancer survivor of 26 years

I think about the impact of releasing the pressure of holding a sad truth and the juxtaposition of liberating ourselves from the shackles of trauma, and in that, the word freedom comes to mind. In life, we face the choice of taking an intrinsic look at our experiences and deciding if we will let our past determine our future or if we are going to choose to live on our terms. Mary’s journey is not only one of the personal decisions creating a life of hope, joy, and power but one of choosing freedom from abuse and becoming the hero of her story. This book moved me and reminded me why I always say, though trauma may be our foundation, it is not our future.

Michael Anthony

Childhood abuse survivor and Author of Think Unbroken

“Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken artifacts and treasures. Cruelly Betrayed is a beautiful treasure in memoir form. The philosophy behind this type of “repair” is to treat a broken piece of art with care and mend it, providing extra strength and beauty. The repair and healing become part of the artifact’s history and value. A broken vase is not thrown out. A repair and mending begin, using gold…No hiding the cracks!

Cruelly Betrayed examines the broken pieces of a tragic childhood and the implications involved with complex trauma. The resilience of the human spirit shines in this carefully crafted book. The value, inspiration, and importance of this beautifully repaired life can only serve as a gift to all who read it.

Mary carefully explores the broken pieces of her life in a vulnerable, realistic, often disturbing way, using words of gold. This book actively encourages the healing process and will help victims of sexual abuse become survivors.

A compelling, realistic, and tumultuous quest to break through extraordinary traumas, release pain, find forgiveness, and healing. It is more than a memoir of a strong and resilient woman. It is truth, forgiveness, healing and empowerment embodied.

Mary’s story and ability to paint a realistic picture of abuse has changed me. This is the first time I have been able to understand the fear and hopelessness an abused child faces. This is a story about survival and connection. Not only is she able to connect and inspire survivors but reading this book will help others truly understand the trauma that child abuse, sexual abuse, and familial trauma can cause.”

Kimberly King

Award-winning author, Teacher, and Authority on the subject of sexual abuse prevention , Kimberly is the author of the most highly recommended sexual abuse prevention book for children entitled I Said No! A kid-to-kid guide to keeping private parts private

This book is incredibly powerful and should be required reading for all! Mary has been through some extraordinary hardships, yet overcomes everything with a positive attitude and a beautiful outlook on life. She is the definition of a warrior and a hero. She is inspirational and I am grateful that she was willing to share her story. It is a story that will stay with me and help guide my own life’s challenges. Mary is a talented writer and I could not put the book down. I look forward to reading her next book!”

“Excellent book of a trauma survivor (sexual abuse, betrayal, stage 4 cancer). Let’s us see behind the facade of a seemingly happy family. Dr Faltz gives details about the incest she was submitted to without getting to graphic. It is a book written by a strong woman who gives us hope!”

“It’s this kind of book you remember forever because the story reveals so many disastrous experiences in one single life, but at the same time, the woman behind remained so inspiring, strong and humble. Her amazing courage is a lesson to be remembered whenever we face something really really hard.
I’m still emotionally overwhelmed by her heartbreaking story but at the same time I saw a very encouraging message to all who could face a bit of what she had to face. I saw hope and fight against evil.
Thank you Dr Mary Faltz”

“I honestly could not put this book down! I am in awe of the author’s candor and her courage. The more people open up about their childhood abuse the faster actual victims may find the courage to come forward.”

Must-have book.
Great (true) story and yet so enouraging message!”

“I had to put the book down a few times because I was so shocked about what had happend to Mary. She did the right thing to put her abuser to prison AND to write it all down in a very emotional style.
Her cancer diagnosis gave her the need, the courage and the force to write her story down. I recommend the book”

“Wow! This is one of the most mind boggling but also most powerful true stories I have ever read! I asked myself over and over again how is it possible that one beautiful person could go through so many incredible difficult situations in life but still remain so strong and a beautiful soul. And she has written this in few weeks in the middle of a (another) storm in her life. Incredible. So many learnings from so many dimensions. Thank you Mary for the courage to share your story and touch many human lives across the globe with your powerful story over time!”

“Ich bin sehr berührt von diesem Buch und habe es gleich weiter gegeben zum Lesen. Ja, wir wissen, dass viele Kinder einen sexuellen Missbrauch erfahren… es dann so knallhart zu lesen ist nochmals etwas anderes.
Ich mag Mary’s Erzählstil, ich habe das Buch sehr schnell gelesen.
Mary wurde immer wieder vom Leben gebeutelt, doch sie erklärt, wie sie das Leben und speziell ihre Kinder liebt. Mary, die selbst wenig Liebe erfahren hat, gibt viel Liebe an ihre Kinder weiter.
Für mich ist es ein sehr wichtiges Buch. Ich bin keine gute Schreiberin, doch dieses Mal ist es mir wichtig mich mitzuteilen.”

“Merci fir Dain Courage, fir Deng Zouversiicht, fir Deng Léift fir d‘Liewen a fir d‘Mënschheet a merci fir Dain Vertrauen, daat alles mat ons ze deelen. Déi Kéier bass Du ët deen ons bestrahlt mat Denger onglaublecher Kraaft a Weisheet an ech si sëcher, Du konns nët nëmmen Dech, mais ganz vill Leit domat heelen a beréieren.”

“Manchmal dachte ich ich lese einen spannenden Thriller und dann ist mir immer wieder bewusst worden, dass es leider keine Fiktion ist und du das alles wirklich so durchleiden musstest. Was soll ich sagen, you‘ve lived a thousands lives already… Wenn ich ganz ehrlich bin, nichts davon schockiert mich wirklich. Ich bin vielleicht auch schon „abgestumpft“ von allem Üblen dieser Welt, wahrscheinlich weil ich eigentlich so privilegiert bin. Ich habe eine sehr gute Freundin, die ungefähr 4 Wochen nach meiner OP eine ganz schlimme heartbreak Geschichte erlebt hat und sie hat mir erst Monate später davon erzählt, weil sie meinte „bei dem was dir passiert ist, ist doch mein Kummer lächerlich daneben“. So geht es mir jetzt auch ein bisschen – ich hab doch „nur“ Krebs, guck was Mary durchgemacht hat. Ich weiß aber, dass du – genau wie ich – so nicht denkst. Und das ist glaube ich wichtig zu sehen. Schmerz und Leid ist immer subjektiv und für jeden ist sein eigenes Drama das zentrale und die dazugehörigen Gefühle absolut gerechtfertigt. Genauso subjektiv ist auch die Bewältigung von schwierigen Situationen. Wir schaffen es trotz (oder wegen) unserer schlimmen Erlebnisse zu lächeln und ein halbwegs normales Leben zu führen und andere wundern sich. Dein Kapitel 4 spricht mir natürlich aus der Seele und beschreibt fast zu 100% wie es mir ging.”

Histoire émouvante et inspirante par une femme forte. Une Maman qui soulève un grand tabou de notre société et partage sa force de vivre pour l’amour de ses enfants.
Grand merci pour le courage et de continuer à exister”

“Mary fait partie de mes connaissances dans mon cercle d’entourage. Qui aurait pu imaginer un instant que derrière son sourire et son dynamisme se cacherait autant de souffrances d’abus de déception et de vécu… Et pourtant, elle a la chance d’avoir développé le sens de voir du bien dans les pires situations et de garder confiance en elle…Merci d avoir écrit ce livre.”

“Bravo à cette femme courageuse d’avoir montré au grand jour ses blessures et cicatrices, son livre a été une thérapie pour elle mais sera aussi certainement très inspirant pour d’autres personnes. Personnellement elle m’a beaucoup touchée, je veux être une maman encore plus attentive mais au même temps « lever le pied » de tout ce stress qui nous rend malade. Et avoir encore plus d’empathie et sensibilité avec les autres. Merci pour votre histoire.”

“Je viens à l’instant de terminer ton livre. Je pense que c’est la première fois qu’un livre me procure tellement d’émotions (et pourtant je lis beaucoup). Est-ce que c’est parce que je connais l’auteure? Que j’étais avec elle en classe pendant qu’elle subissait cette cruauté? Comment j’ai pu ne rien voir? Mes excuses ne seront jamais assez grandes… J’ai toujours su que tu étais une personne remarquable, une battante et d’une beauté intérieure et extérieure naturelle (et ce même avant d’avoir lu ton livre). Je suis contente de ne pas m’être trompée… Continues d’être la personne fabuleuse que tu es. Et ne laisses personne penser le contraire.”

“Apres avoir lu son livre, je voudrais exprimer ma plus haute estime à Mary Faltz, cette femme d’un courage et d’une force remarquables. Elle décrit dans son ouvrage l’image de la honte et du plus répugnant comportement humain qui puisse être, mais on y lit aussi sa détermination à vivre. Acheter et lire son livre c’est la soutenir, mais c’est aussi apprendre le pouvoir du mental et de la résilience.”
